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Arctic Survival

(Virtual Escape Room)


Arctic Survival is a highly engaging and experiential game that puts your creative problem solving, logic, teamwork and communication skills to the test.  Available at your fingertips, this is the perfect shared experience for all participants, wherever they are located in the world!


Midway through an arctic expedition, your team has become separated from your hiking guide.  As the storm worsens and temperatures drop, you’re forced to abandon your expedition in search of help. By now, energy levels are depleting and supplies are running very low.


Test your virtual survival instincts in a race against time. Work as a team to crack the code, find your location and complete the rescue mission! 

Explore the Hut

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Augmented Reality Clues

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Explore the virtual hut you're locked in.  You have 60 minutes to search for clues that can lead you to get through all 3 levels to escape! 

Look for clues, connect the dots and decipher cryptic information that will help your team survive the arctic storm.

Using items around the hut, crack the code to the generator cupboard to power the radio and find the correct frequency to call for rescue.  

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Start Anytime!

Start at your chosen time. The 60-min clock starts ticking when you start!

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Play with Friends

Wherever they are, everyone on the team can access the escape room on their own mobile device.

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AR Clues

Scan images as directed and reveal augmented reality clues for extra fun!

If you have specific goals objectives you would like to address in a remote setting, contact us today to talk about customization. However big or small your team is, and wherever you are in the world, we can make it happen remotely. 

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